OJSC Volgomost started the final stage of bridge span launching across the ravine Sukhaya Tavolzhanka

OJSC Volgomost started the final stage of bridge span launching across the ravine Sukhaya Tavolzhanka 11.03.2014

Construction of the highway is divided into three start-up facilities, two of them (Second and Third) already put into operation, construction of the First start-up facility continues.

"Bridge over the ravine Sukhaya Tavolzhanka is the longest artificial construction built within the project. Launching of bridge span is effected in four stages and today we are starting final and the most responsible stage of the bridge crossing construction. At the moment the weight of the enlarged launched steel structures of the span bridge is achieving 1550 tons", - noted engineer of operation and technical department of the 21st OJSC Volgomost Mostootryad Nikolai Mechikov.

Total linear length of the First start-up facility is 32,4 km, this highway segment includes 34 artificial constructions. OJSC Volgomost specialists started construction works in January, 2013. We plan to finish the works by the end of 2014. The project owner is Federal State Institution "Federal Highway Administration "Bolshaya Volga" of Federal Road Agency".

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